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Le tronçon québécois du Sentier International des Appalaches est sectionné en fonction des municipalités régionales de comté (MRC), des parcs nationaux et de la réserve faunique qu'il traverse.

Here are the passport offers for the 2023 season:

Great Crossing Passport - $360

Avignon and Matapedia Valley Passport - $250
Haute-Gaspésie and Côte-de-Gaspé Passport - $180

(See below forthe exhaustive list of accommodation included in each passport)

R‚serve Faunique de Matane #1.JPG

The passport is a formula that gives access to accommodation sites without having to make a reservation and this throughout the season. This means that you can use any type of accommodation available* when you arrive on site. You must therefore be prepared to show some flexibility and it will be highly recommended to have a tent with you.

* When you arrive at a site you have access to the shelter or the platforms. On the other hand, you will have to respect the people who have a reservation, so if all the accommodations are taken, you will have to camp on the ground directly.

A passport holder has access to all sites that are included in his section at any time during the season. The passport gives access to the same accommodation site several times during the same season, however we do not encourage "squatting" we ask you to leave the place in the same condition as you found it when you arrived on place.

Please note that for security reasons it is now mandatory to carry a cell phone or satellite telecommunications device with you.

Respect for the trail and its users is essential at all times. The SIA-QC reserves the right to revoke a passport without agreeing to a refund if these rules are not respected.

And of courser, make sure you have read and accepted theTerms of reservations and pricing as well as the regulations for the use of the Trail and its accommodation.

To obtain a passport, you must make a request via our passport request form or make a telephone appointment.

Avignon et Vallée de la Matapédia

Camping Matapédia

Camping Abri Lagacé
Camping Le Turcotte
Camping Le Corbeau
Camping du Ruisseau St-Etienne
Camping Le Quartz
Camping Le Ruisseau-Creux

Camping Ste-Marguerite
Camping Causapscal
Camping les Chutes 

Camping Saint-Alexandre-des-Lacs

Camping Lac-au-Saumon
Camping de l'érablière
Camping Amqui
Camping les Trois-Soeurs
Camping Saint-Vianney

Haute-Gaspésie et Côte-de-Gaspé

Camping Les Cabourons
Camping du Ruisseau Flétan
Camping du Lac à Cyrille

Camping du Grand-Sault 

Camping Les Terrasses
Camping Les Cascades
Camping de La Chute 

Camping Le Zéphyr

Camping Les Carrières
Camping de l'Érablière #2

Passeport Grande Traversée

Ce passeport inclus tous les hébergements des 2 autres passeports et en plus il vous catégorise automatiquement comme un(e) grand(e) randonneur(se) ce qui vous donne accès au rabais Grande Traversée sur vos réservations.

Great Crossing discount

The great crossing discount is a 10% discount applied to SIA-QC accommodations, this excludes accommodations in Gaspésie National Park and Forillon National Park, you are eligible for it once one of the following criteria is met;


  • You have reserved more than 15 nights using our Réservotron reservation system.

  • You are the owner of one of the 2 section passports and you have at least 4 reservations in the Matane Wildlife Reserve.

  • You hold a Grande Traversée passport.

List of accomodations included in each passport

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