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Durant la période de chasse, faire preuve de la plus grande vigilance est primordial.
Afin d'assurer la sécurité de tous, vous devez vérifier s'il est permis de circuler dans la ou les section(s) visée(s) par vos plans de randonnée avant de les mettre en application.

During the hunting season, being extremely vigilant is essential. To ensure everyone's safety, you must check whether it is allowed to hike in the section(s) targeted by your hiking plans before implementing them.
Here are the sections of the SIA closed for hike from September 25, 2021 to November 7, 2021:
Vallée de la Matapédia;
Côte de Gaspé.
These SIA sections are located on public land. It is therefore forbidden to hike there during the hunting season. Therefore, you cannot walk on the trails or even drive on the access roads of these sections of the IAT when the hunting season is in progress.
The section of the IAT eligible for regulated hike from September 7, 2021 to November 7, 2021 is :
Matane Wildlife Reserve.
Therefore, it is possible to hike or drive in the Matane Wildlife Reserve during the hunting season. However, you must obligatorily adhere to the following regulations:
Apply for the right of access to a wildlife reserve from the SIA by clicking here;
Place a photocopy of your right of access on the dashboard of your vehicle;
Bring a photocopy of your access right on you for verification by fauns officer and/or guardians of territory. You must therefore comply with the dates indicated on your right of access under penalty of a ticket;
Wear an orange safety tank top (safety jacket) at all times;
Driving on Route 1 between Lac Matane and Petit-Sault is prohibited. Thus, if you are arriving from the West of the Reserve, you must park maximum at Lac-Matane. And conversely, if you are arriving from the east of the reserve, you must park maximum at Petit-Sault. You can, however, book transportation for your vehicle to Petit-Sault or Lac-Matane by clicking here ;
Day hikes in Mont-Blanc are prohibited (respect of the prohibited road zone);
Walking on the trails and by car on eligible access roads is only permitted within the following hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (hours of sunshine). In other words, you must be at your campsite or simply outside the Réserve Faunique de Matane from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m.
One-night reservation at the Petit-Sault campsite is mandatory for the day hike on Mont Nicol-Albert, in order to be able to respect the permitted traffic hours (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). When you leave by car the next day, take care to head east (towards Cap-Chat) to make sure not to go through the road zone closed to traffic (route 1 between Petit-Sault and Lac-Matane).
The sections of the SIA which traffic remains unrestricted hunting season are:
Gaspésie National Park;
Forillon National Park.
Hunting is prohibited year round in Gaspésie National Park and Forillon National Park.
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